Getting angry and frustrated
How do you deal with it? I do suffer from these afflictions of the soul and mind. I get sad too quite often as of late but that's for a different type of blog.
No advice can truly save you from these episodes, the pit of despair is endless and filled with cries of rage and frustration(broodlors, swarmhosts, hellbats, medivacs with speed, void rays, collosi etc). Know this, you will rise above it.What seemed maddening at some point will appear as a mere nuisance afterwards. Many things can help in these situations, everyone has their own venting system. Mine is writing strangely enough but I don't do it nearly as often as I should. So try to remember the next time you get mad.
This can be about anything honestly, the path to success is riddled with failures. The truly successful have failed and learned from it.
But if you do have a system that works I would love to hear about it.
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